Does the death penalty seem like an appropriate punishment for pedophiles and serial rapists?


Being a pedophile is not a crime, being a child abuser is.

For many offenders, children just happened to be the victims they had the most access to and could keep quiet.

Many pedophiles are non-offending and capable of having attraction to adults as well, leading them to be able to have normal lives with adult partners. The best treatment for them is providing mental health support to allow them to lead normal lives, not to punish them preemptively.

Additionally when we are talking about specifically juvenile offenders, they have an overall low recidivism rate as it pertains to sex crimes, including those against children. With the right rehabilitative services many can go own to lead normal, productive lives that are free from crime. I think in light of this, juvenile offenders should focus on rehabilitation and not the death penalty.

Adult offenders of sex related offenses are different and don’t have as low of a recidivism rate.

My main concern here is that the current laws around this issue are imperfect.

For instance in the United States, a teenager under the age of 18 who shares a nude picture of himself/herself with a partner can be convicted of sex crime. In this case, the person in question is considered to be both the victim and the offender and they can be made to register as a sex offender.

If we were to issue an automatic death penalty to child sex offenders, then we would see sixteen years old who took a nude selfie sentenced to death. Does that sound like it’s in the interest of justice?

Then there’s also the other issues, like the drunk man who pees in the park and gets charged with a sex offense because there happened to be children there, or could have been children there. This person was not trying to commit a sex offense, they were drunk out of their mind and needed to pee. Lewd, gross behavior, sure. But worthy of a death sentence?

Because the current laws regarding sex offender registration so often penalize people who engaged in ‘crimes’ that the general population doesn’t even necessarily consider to be a true sex offense, I think we need to focus on actually fixing that before we attempt to put people to death over these types of convictions.


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