
The Coming Of Allah (GOD)

  The reality of God . I have been and still am trying to make clear to you how important it is. This knowledge of the True God, the reality of God has been and is even now a mystery to the world of mankind with a few exceptions. The day has come that all mankind MUST know the reality of Allah (God) “There can be no judgment of the people until this knowledge has been given to the people.” How can we serve a God without knowledge of Him? My people, the so-called Negroes (The Tribe of Shabazz), are the worst off when if comes to the reality of God. The whole world has been and is looking for the coming of God. Several places in both the Bible and the Holy Qur’an refer to the coming of Allah (God). “The Coming of the Son of Man.” Referring to God as the Son of Man should remove all doubts as to his being anything other than a man. Advertisement › The Bible mentions Him as the Son of Man and also mentions Him as not being a man but a spirit. On one side He is made clear and on the other H

The Great Commotion

  The great commotion of the government and people of America; the civil unrest, insurrection, mental excitement and noisy confusion–there is no action that is being taken, nor can there be any action taken, that would bring the people to a better condition of civil action. The White American people have practiced evil and injustice to the man in the mud, the Black slave, for so long that they think that there would never be any divine action taken against them for such evil and injustice. But this is what is now affecting–it is the actions of divine justice for the poor man (Black slaves). Allah (God) in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom praises are due forever, has the power and He is using His power on the wicked to bring them to their knees. Allah (God) is the greatest and there is no equal to Him. Allah (God) can take us by our own way of thinking and spin us as though we are a play-toy. We cannot fight a successful fight against Him. He is too powerful. He listens in o

Does the death penalty seem like an appropriate punishment for pedophiles and serial rapists?

  No. Being a pedophile is not a crime, being a child abuser is. For  many offenders, children just happened to be the victims they had the most access to and could keep quiet. Many  pedophiles  are non-offending and capable of having attraction to adults as well, leading them to be able to have normal lives with adult partners. The best treatment  for  them is providing mental health support to allow them to lead normal lives, not to punish them preemptively. Additionally when we are talking about specifically  juvenile  offenders, they have an overall low recidivism rate as it pertains to sex crimes, including those against children. With the right rehabilitative services many can go own to lead normal, productive lives that are free from crime. I think in light of this,  juvenile  offenders should focus on rehabilitation and not the death penalty. Adult offenders of sex related offenses are different and don’t have as low of a recidivism rate. My main concern here is that the cu

Is America headed for civil war?

  [Editor’s note: This article was originally published in Volume 13, Number 23, August 31, 1994. We reprint this article in light of the increasing demonstrations and anger of the American people against the policies of the U.S. government and police killings of Black people.] In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences and earthquakes, in diverse places. All these are the beginning of sorrows. Holy Bible, Matthew 24:6-8 Advertisement › This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that ar

If Satan Cast Out Satan, How Can His Kingdom Stand? Part II 2020

  In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. As-Salaam Alaikum. Emotions and tensions are high in the country and among us as the 2020 National Election nears. We are choosing sides based on the evil we see that President Trump has done, the racial animus he has stoked, and the insulting things he has said. Our anger toward him is legitimate and there is a great cry for Black people to come together and defeat him at all costs. Many see a serious threat in his policies, such as the appointment of conservative judges at the federal level and his effort to push the Senate confirmation of conservative Amy Coney Barrett as a Supreme Court Justice and replacement for the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg. Others, however, are pointing to the role that Democratic presidential candidate Joseph Biden played in devastating our communities through the 1994 Omnibus Crime Bill, which contributed mightily to the mass incarceration of Black men, widespread prison construction and tougher fed

Pedophilia, psychosexual disorder

  Pedophilia , in conventional usage, a psychosexual disorder, generally affecting adults, characterized by sexual interest in prepubescent children or attempts to engage in sexual acts with prepubescent children. The term was used with that meaning in the psychiatric diagnostic literature prior to the publication of the fifth edition of the   Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders   (2013;   DSM-5 ), which replaced   pedophilia   with   pedophilic disorder . As in earlier editions, the   DSM-5   classifies the disorder as one of several   paraphilic disorders , involving   atypical   sexual interests, practices, or behaviours (paraphilias). Unlike the earlier editions, however, the   DSM-5   explicitly distinguishes between   paraphilias   and   paraphilic disorders, recognizing for the first time that individuals may exhibit or engage in a range of atypical sexual interests, desires, practices, or behaviours that do not, in themselves,   constitute   mental illnesses.

Message to The Brothers and Sisters in London, England (UK) – ‘When We Search for The God Within, The More We Discover Our True Self’

  [Editor’s note: The following article contains excerpts from the special address given by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan to the brothers and sisters of the European Region of The Nation of Islam in London, England, live via Zoom, on the occasion of his 90th Birth Anniversary, Thursday, May 11, 2023.] In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful.  I bear witness there is no God but Allah, Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad to Whom praise is due forever.  And I bear witness that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is His Messenger-Messiah, The Exalted Christ.  I greet all of you, my dear and wonderful brothers and sisters, with the greeting words of peace:   As-Salaam Alaikum . My dear brothers and sisters of the UK and elsewhere, I am so honored, so privileged, and so blessed to be able to visit you in London and to see your beautiful faces, and your beautiful spirit to wish your brother a happy 90th birth anniversary.  Thank you so much!  I want to thank, of cours